Friday, 2 October 2015

Minimally Invasive Lumbar Fusion Surgery in India | Best Spine Surgery Hospitals in India

Lumbar fusion surgery is a procedure used to treat a variety of conditions of the lumbar spine (lower back). This article will focus on minimally invasive lumbar fusion, although open lumbar fusion incorporates some of the same steps. 
Minimally Invasive Lumbar Fusion Surgery
Lumbar fusion may be used to treat a variety of conditions. These include lumbar instability, spondylolisthesis, degenerated lumbar discs, back pain, fracture, tumor, recurrent herniated discs, and failed back syndrome, among others. The most common levels in the spine requiring treatment are L4-5 and L5-S1. Many patients requiring lumbar fusion surgery also have pinched nerves from herniated discs or spinal stenosis. As a result, the surgery is often performed in conjunction with micro lumbar discectomy or lumbar laminectomy. 
Lumbar spinal fusion is a common technique to help patients with back pain, who have failed non-operative treatment. Once you and your physician have decided that you need fusion of your lumbar spine, you should realize that there are many different ways this procedure can be done. The choice of which technique is best for you is dependent on what is wrong with your spine. Your surgeon may have more experience with fusion techniques from the front of the spine (anterior), the back of the spine (posterior), or some of the newer, less invasive approaches. These newer techniques are often called Minimally Invasive Spinal (MIS) surgery. The goals of all these techniques remain the same, to achieve a lumbar fusion, and lessen the patient's pain.
The most common method of spinal fusion involves the posterior approach, with an incision along the back of the patient's spine. Often, this procedure is used if bone spurs, thickened ligaments, or disc ruptures need to be removed to alleviate pressure on the nerves. The fusion procedure then involves placement of metal screws, rods and bone graft. Anterior spinal fusions require an incision through the abdomen. After removal of the degenerated disc, a metal cage with bone graft is usually placed between the spinal bones (vertebral bodies). Some patients will require both front and back procedures.
There are many new surgical techniques that are being developed to improve the results of lumbar fusions. Minimally invasive spine surgery for lumbar fusion is one of these newer techniques. MIS procedures have smaller incisions, cause less trauma to the surrounding normal tissues, and hopefully results in a faster recovery for the patient. One of these MIS techniques is a procedure known as extreme-lateral lumbar interbody fusion (XLIF). During the XLIF procedure the lumbar spine is approached from the side through a small skin incision. The surgery is performed through a muscle that lies next to the lumbar spine known as the psoas muscle.
With the XLIF procedure, approximately 2/3 of the disc can be safely removed. After the disc is removed, an artificial graft is placed in between the vertebrae, to allow the bones to fuse together. For a single level XLIF procedure, the surgery can be usually be performed in about an hour. Most patients stay in the hospital for 24 hours following the procedure, and do not require a brace. Occasionally, weakness may be noticed while lifting your leg after surgery. This psoas muscle weakness should return to normal fairly soon after surgery.Not everyone is a candidate for this surgery, once conservative (non-operative) treatments have failed, you should consult a surgeon to see if you are an appropriate candidate.

What are the advantages of minimally invasive lumbar spinal fusion?The major advantage of all of these minimally invasive techniques is that there is less damage caused to the surrounding tissues. Unfortunately, in traditional spinal surgery it is necessary to cut through muscles and move them out of the way in order to reach the spine. This can cause a large amount of pain following surgery, and it can lengthen the recovery time. Instead of cutting and moving muscles, the minimally invasive techniques can more gently spread through the muscles to allow access to the spine. This is much less painful for the patient, and it does not require as long of a recovery period for the muscle to heal.
Another benefit of less muscle damage is less blood loss and thus a reduced need for blood transfusions using the minimally invasive techniques. There is often less need for narcotic pain medications following this form of surgery, and a shorter hospital stay.

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